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Cassava starch production process

What is the preparetory work for cassava flour processing plant?In recent years, cassava starch equipment processing projects have attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. Cassava deep processing has become a model of developing green health food. Cassava deep processing has low investment, low risk and high profit, which can be extended to the business opportunity of industrial chain.

Process flow of cassava starch equipment

(1) raw material pretreatment: after harvest, cassava is usually cut into sheets or filaments, after sun exposure or thermal drying, tapioca dried.The dried cassava has to be pre-treated because of the various impurities it contains during processing and transportation.There are dry and wet pretreatment.Dry method is the use of screening equipment and air separation equipment.Wet treatment is using a washing machine or bucket.

(2) soaking: alkali water soaking can be used to improve the yield of starch.Generally with saturated lime milk or 1% dilute alkali solution to add soak water, make the ph value of 10-11.Soak for about 12 hours at a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius.After soaking, the water content of sweet potato chips is 60%.

(3) crushing and grinding: after soaking, the cassava slices will enter the hammer type pulverizer for crushing with water, reaching a certain fineness, and will be discharged out of the machine through the sieve hole.The instant temperature of dry potato increases in the crushing process, and some starch is easy to be gelatinized by heat.It is not easy to precipitate in the separation of flow channel, which leads to the increase of secondary powder and affects the yield of fine powder.In order to prevent starch gelatinization in one crushing treatment, two crushing and sifting processes can be used.That is, the dry potato after the first crushing, sifting, and then after the second crushing treatment, sifting.In the crushing process, in order to achieve a low instantaneous temperature rise, the pulp concentration was adjusted according to the different particle size of each channel. The first channel was 3-3.5 baume degree, and the second channel was 2-2.5 baume degree.At the same time, the homogenizer is used to control the intake of sweet potato dry, balance the pulp, avoid the overload phenomenon of the crusher, also conducive to the separation of the flow channel.

4) sifting: tapioca dried after crushing sweet potato paste, also known as material liquid, must be sifted to separate the residue, that is, fiber.Usually use the flat shake sieve, feed liquid into the sieve surface, the requirements of uniform screening, constantly dripping water, starch with water through the sieve hole into the slurry pool, and residue retained on the sieve surface from the end of the sieve.Screen cloth is 120 mesh nylon cloth.In the screening process, because the material contains pectin and other viscous substances in the screen, affecting the screen separation effect, therefore, the screen cloth should be often washed, in order to ensure the screen hole unimpeded.

The drying system of cassava starch equipment is composed of main drive, wire rope, chain hanging device, steel structure cooling hanging fan, moisture exhaust fan, steam heating pipe, sensor, temperature and humidity detection control instrument, electrical control cabinet, etc.

The maturity of cassava starch equipment system makes the process of cassava starch production more systematic, and also makes the variety of cassava starch equipment produced become more varied, which can meet the tastes of many people and meet the needs of more people. The system of cassava starch equipment also makes the development of cassava starch more rapid and promotes the development.

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